The peak of maturity
Susi is everything – Bossa Nova and Carnival, La Traviatta and Rigoleto, Mikis Theodorakis - Zorba in skirts! Or, in other words, insinuating poetry in movement. In her person, her life and her art. She is a restless wandering spirit, travelling the world and capturing the soul of countries, cities, peoples, myths, historic and artistic events. She photographs, paints, draws, and sketches.
She collects maps, postcards, envelopes, manuscripts, musical scores, different kinds of paper, dry leaves, birds' feathers. She interferes and interacts with them, enriching them with calligraphy and assemblage, collages, objects, installations. Art of the best pedigree. Not even the great transgressor Kurt Schwitters would have done better.
In "CONTRASTS", Susi, so accomplished and coherent, shows us the improvements that she has been making and perfecting, for some time now, with impeccable concept and finish, touching the target, straight to the heart. And she does more – with her latest, most original and most creative T.A.O/Mezuzot, she bursts the boundaries, transcends, reaching limbo, unsustainable lightness bonding customs of people from the Middle and the Far East – in the latter, Tao, the Way; in the former, the pipes that they hang in the corners of their homes, containing scrolls with wise sayings, talking of the love that creatures owe their creator. It is the field of dreams sought by every sensitive artist – to achieve the perfection of pure shape in simplicity, free from the debris of the objective world. They are diaphanous, ethereal, and for a moment, bewilder us, apparently hanging in nothingness, with no elementary material support whatsoever. Moreover, we have the sensation that the support is ourselves, our retinas, our emotion. |
Susi has another seductive quality – the warmth and delicacy with which she treats and cares for her creatures, as if they are unique and non-transferable, of a sacred nature. Such is her devotion to her art that, in fact, she acquires traits of a signature that would occupy the entire work place, easily recognisable here, there and forever, in the endless sequence of future generations.
Susi Sielski Cantarino has us in her thrall, with her siren song, and her icons that are much more than mere paintings– hence, irresistible! Laureata est! |
Alexandros Papadopoulos Evremidis, Rio de Janeiro, jully 2003 |